Surveillance is a critical tool for private investigators, but it comes with its own set of challenges depending on the environment. Whether in a busy city or a remote rural area, private investigators need to adapt their techniques to remain undetected while gathering crucial evidence. At RGH Investigations, we specialize in both urban and remote […]
There’s Still Lead in the Walls? A Lead Poisoning Investigation
RGH Investigations often deals with asbestos investigation, lead poisoning investigation and more. It’s a serious matter that causes lifelong issues or even death. But in this case in particular, we had to investigate the question, does lead paint in the walls still exist today? Lead poisoning was once present in the walls of most Chicagoland […]
A Year in Review: 2024 Cases
As 2024 comes to a close, let’s review this year’s investigations. What type of investigations do RGH Investigations see the most? What is the most interesting case to our blog readers this past year? 2024 has been an interesting year, filled with cases around accidents, defamation, employee background checks and plenty of surveillance. Come join […]
The Case of a Salesman Who Made No Sales
Employee surveillance is a controversial topic. Employees have rights that protect them from being surveyed without consent. However, if there is reasonable doubt that an employee is not performing their duties, it’s possible to survey the individual with a private investigator. Covert surveillance is reviewed on a case to case basis after the Workplace Relations […]
Locating an Elderly Man’s Unintentional Escape to Mexico
When you think about locating a witness, you might automatically assume the witness is trying to intentionally evade a subpoena server. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes, a witness is called to court…unaware they are a witness. This was the case of an 88 year old elderly man who was involved in a […]
A Chain Reaction: A Speeding Accident Investigation
When it comes to auto accidents, speeding accident investigations are, unfortunately, extremely common. Reckless driving and speeding are an all too common daily occurrence in the Chicago and Chicagoland area. We are sure you know, especially if you’ve been driving through the city. Cars swerve recklessly in and out, oftentimes driving on the side of […]
Hiring Foreign Truck Drivers is Risky: Even Worse When Tragedy Strikes
Recently, there has been an increase of accidents involving long haul trucks throughout the Chicagoland and Illinois area, resulting in an increase in truck accident investigation. Trucks play an important role in the US economy, responsible for transporting goods over long distances for a reasonable price. But, because of the large size and difficulty to […]
Lies, And More Lies
Defamation cases are extremely common, especially now that information moves very quickly through social media and the internet. Defamation of character is an intentional false statement made by a higher up, coworker, a family member, or even an ex spouse. This false statement usually causes the victim some type of harm, usually financially. You can […]
Case of Exploding Gasses
RGH Investigations does a lot of accident investigations, from car accidents to work injury investigations. These are oftentimes cases regarding serious injury or even death. We are committed to helping those who are in cases involving accident investigations, since they are so complex and can be emotionally jarring. RGH Investigators maintain a professional approach to […]
Searching The Netherlands
Running away doesn’t always mean you’re home free; sometimes, it means you’ll get a foreign subpoena! In the United States, a witness is called to court through a subpoena. This subpoena can be delivered by a lawyer or a private investigator. It’s not uncommon for a person to flee from the country to avoid being […]